Symbols & Designs Feel free to submit your own logo or
design for embroidery. A set-up charge will apply. Some large
embroidered designs add an additional cost.
note: we are NOT a wholesaler, and our primary
business is the sale of lettered sportswear and pre-packaged
novelties to the end user. While we offer some collegiate novelty
items, we do NOT produce or manufacture
products in-house for CLC-licensed Colleges or
Universities nor for professional sports teams (ie: MLB, NFL, NBA, NHL, etc.).
note that all pictures on this website, are COPYRIGHTEDdesigns
(by University Apparel, Inc. or their respective mark holders)
and may NOT be copied or reproduced without written permission.
Although we
do not offer any of our designs or symbols for individual sale
(i.e.: separately or unattached from our products), the following
designs/symbols may be added to any of our standard offerings to
create your own custom-designed Spirit Wear items -- such as
bags, caps, shirts, jerseys, jackets, etc.
Mascot and
symbol designs are available in a variety of styles and colors and most an be
modified to match your school, team, or group.
++marked designs,
add $5.00 for small emblems and $10.00 for large emblems
displayed herein are examples of embroidered symbols only. They are not
for use on printed materials. They have been previously designed
original or generic art and/or were requested by customers for parody
purposes only. Any similarity between the images contained herein and
any person's likeness or any company trademark is purely coincidental.
UNIVERSITY APPAREL disclaims and denies all expressed or implied
warranties against infringement of design. Customer warrants that it has
the right to use the artwork, logos, design, etc. that is/are requested
to be placed on UNIVERSITY APPAREL products. Customer also warrants that
it shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless UNIVERSITY APPAREL it's
officers, shareholders, employees, and agents against any claims for
damages and costs, including but not limited to attorney's fees and
costs, in any cause of action, including but not limited to an
infringement action, as a result of embroidery, applied lettering,
and/or printing of the requested artwork, logos, design, etc. University
Apparel, Inc. assumes no liability or responsibility to determine
whether a customer has secured consent from any party for the use of
their image, logo or trademark. The use of this web site constitutes
your acceptance of our
Terms of Use.
angel (flying lady w/ wings), bandit, Buccaneer,
butterfly lady, caveman,
cheerleader, Conquistador, cowboy, devil w/ pitchfork, devil
head, Dynamite face, Egyptian Man, executioner, flaming head, Frontiersman, General, Ghost,
Grim Reaper, Indian brave, Indian head w/ braids & headdress,
Indian Chief (detailed), Indian
Chief (silhouette), Indian circle (with Letter), Irishman head, king,
knight, knight's head (profile or front-view), knight on horse,
Hat Lady #1 (3/4-profile w/ flower in hat), Hat Lady #2
(front-view with hat), Hat Lady #3, Hat Lady #4, jester, Lady w/
outstretched hand, lumberjack*, mermaid, minuteman, Nefertiti,
outlaw, patriot, Peanut man, Phantom (mask, face in mask),
Pharaoh (multiple versions, heads or busts++),
pilgrim hat, pirate (with sword, bearded), Quaker head (male), sheriff, skull &
bones (front facing or profile), Spartan (outline), Spartan w/face (outline or
detail), Sphinx (profile, front-view), Thor,
Viking, warrior, Warrior w/ shield, Wizard
many emblems may be combined with other mascots or
lettering to create custom emblems or designs.
8th note, happy 8th note, two 16th
notes, band leader
(young female), bass clef, cadet head (male), drum, harp, instrument collage,
lyre, marching band hat, music notes,
music song, music lady, music
man, pan pipes, piano keys, saxophone, treble clef, trumpet player (male), turtle playing sax, happy violin
ballet dancer (female), ballet slippers
many emblems may be combined with other mascots or
lettering to create custom emblems or designs.
angel, angel w/ halo, chalice (with or without cross),
Christian cross, cross w/ flame, crown (5-point or jeweled top),
crown w/ cross, Eye of RA, Icthus (fish), Jesus, praying hands, rose
(long-stem), rosebud, rope circle, Star of David
Group 1 Available large, as single or
multi-color patch designs. May include additional lettering or
2 The
following designs are available as small (2.5 - 4") or
large patch designs (6 - 10"). Initial set-up charge of
$10.00. Available for towns, schools, teams, groups, etc.
Varsity Signature
large Varsity letter, split with Town,
School, or Team name
mini symbols with waved word(s)
Group 3 The following designs are
available as small (3.5 - 4") or large patch designs (8 - 10").
Circle Design
Circle with town and state name plus town initial OR with school
and team name plus school initial. Also available as a school/team circle with team name and
initials or symbol inside (large only).
Circle Design
Circle with school
and mascot name plus school initial(s). Also available as with sports symbol, band insignia, or mascot inside (large only).
Open Top
Circle Design
Circle with school
and mascot name plus school initial(s). Also available as with sports symbol, band insignia, or mascot inside, as
available (large only).
Circle Banner Design
Circle with school
and mascot name plus school initial(s). Also available as with sports symbol, band insignia, or mascot inside, as
available (large only).
3-Split Circle Design
Circle with school
and mascot name plus school initial(s). Also available as with sports symbol, band insignia, or mascot inside, as
available (large only).
Custom Designs Have a custom
large and/or small embroidered symbol for your team, school, or
group created by University Apparel. One-time charge varies based
on design, please submit your design for feasibility and pricing.
Set-up charges range: $75.00 and up.
Contact us for available
sizes, prices and minimums.
Important Notice: The use of
embroidered or sewn-on mascot logos or patches in
connection with CLC Member Institutions, or any
professional sports team, has not been
authorized. Therefore, no one may use such logos
in connection with a professional or CLC
Institution team name, slogan, and/or colors, or
otherwise in a professional or CLC Institution
team context, without the express written consent
of the respective institution and/or its
authorized representative.
J2SPORTS is a trade
GOODS, founded
in 1996, which is a subsidiary of University Apparel, Inc. For
more information about this website, please contact the webmaster.
The items shown on this website are not marketed nor offered for
sale as ready-made or in-stock retail items for any specific organization,
unless specified as such. Photos are shown as examples of the work that may
have been done in the past and/or that may be made for your
particular organization.
Names or insignia of particular
organizations are not necessarily being sold under a license or
other sponsorship from those organizations,and the
manufacture and/or sale of products contained herein does not
necessarily indicate approval by a national or local
organization. It is the product manufacturers' intent that sales
be only to and/or for members or alumni of the represented
"Special order
purchases from local vendors are tantamount to a consent to use
agreement or a limited license..." Sarah Evans Barker, Judge, United States District Court,
Southern District of Indiana So ordered, 25 October 2004