Available Men's Symbols
The well-styled traveler can be color-coordinated, using the following symbols which are available for use on your custom garments from TheMAAC.com Many of our embroidered patches are made-to-order and can be made in color-combinations to properly compliment your garment.
The following designs/symbols may be added, based upon current availability, to any of our standard offerings to create your own custom-designed paraphernalia -- such as bags, caps, shirts, jerseys, jackets, etc. (Not all designs available for caps.) Large symbols generally add $35.00 to the cost of garments when not included, while small symbols generally add $15.00 to the cost of the item when not included in the design or price.
EFFECTIVE 1/1/2022: All non-standard/custom designs are now considered to be ++ special designs, whether marked or not. For ++marked designs, add a minimum of $5.00 for small emblems and $15.00 for large emblems. For designs which indicate an extra cost, add that cost to the prices previously mentioned. Please contact us if you are not sure which designs are considered to be standard vs. custom/special.
Some designs may now be printed patches, which means that the image is printed on twill material, which will then be sewn to the garment.
Please note that these symbols, along with all of our other designs and pictures on this website, are COPYRIGHTED designs and may NOT be copied, scanned, nor reproduced without the permission of University Apparel, Inc.
Blue House
York Rite
Emblems | Scottish Rite
Emblems |
Grotto Emblems | ROJ Emblems
Ladies Emblems
Small emblems (2 1/2 - 4 inches, sizes may vary, gold
color = small only)
Large emblems (6 - 10 inches, sizes may vary, black
color = large only)
Blue House
embroidered emblems
Compass & Square (gold), Compass & Square (silver), Compass &
Square #3++, Compass & Square #4++
Worshipful Master
(square), Senior
Warden (level), Junior Warden (plumb), Secretary,
Marshal, Musician,
Sr. Deacon,
Jr. Deacon,
357 w/ mini emblem, point in circle, 2-ball cane, columns (earth or stars),
Mason Tools Cabletow++, cabletow*
evolution++, beehive,
Goat Rider #2,
Master Mason w/ floor++,
Mason Eyes
Worshipful Master w/ floor++,
Worshipful Master combo++,
Working Tools++,
Working Tools++,
Winding Stairway++, Mason "buckle"++
Past Master Designs
Past Master 1 standard patch (C, S, Q), Past Master 1 standard (outline
or filled++), Past Master (PA),
Past Master 2
standard patch (C, Q), Past Master 2 standard++
(outline-not pictured),
Past Master "buckle" ++ , Past Master Tools Cabletow++, PM Chamber of Light++
all of these designs are available with PM 1 or PM 2
357 w/ mini emblem*, 47th Problem (3
*choose PM 1 or PM 2
Prince Hall Specific Designs
Prince Hall
portrait #2++, Prince Hall portrait #3++, Prince Hall bow-tie, Prince Hall oval,
African Lodge #459 logo
Embrossed™ Emblem Designs
Available small or large. Embrossed™ = one color
emblem embroidered on the same color background.
Compass & Square #3, Compass & Square #4, C&S w/ interlocking G, Worshipful Master (square), Senior Warden (level), Junior Warden (plumb), point in circle, Past Master 1 #2, Past Master 2 #2
Grand Jewel Designs++
Available small. Please contact us for
International F&AM Masons
Mini Symbols (1 1/4 - 1 1/2 inches, sizes may vary)
IF&AMM mini
emblem, C&S w/ intertwined G w/ key, apron with mini emblem, 2-ball cane,
point in circle, Worshipful Master
(square), Senior
Warden (level), Junior Warden (plumb), Sr. Deacon,
Jr. Deacon,
Musician, Past Master 1 (C, S, Q), Past Master 2 (C, Q)
standard emblem, IFAMM #3,IFAMM #4,
C&S w/ key+ interlocking G, IF&AMM Oval, IF&AMM fez w/ key,
357 w/ key (on black, navy, or royal),
Working Tools++,
IF&AMM Working Tools++
Small emblems (2 1/2 - 4 inches, sizes may vary, gold
color = small only)
Large emblems (6 - 10 inches, sizes may vary, black
color = large only)
Royal Arch Symbols
Mini Symbols (1 1/4 - 1 1/2 inches, sizes may vary)
Keystone, Royal Arch, 3x3 w/ mini emblem,
Ark, Archway w/ Ark, RAM
tools, High Priest, Past High Priest
Keystone, Triple Tau (white, red, gold), Archway w/ Ark,
RAM Archway++,
Past High Priest standard patch, Past High Priest #2,
High Priest, Past High Priest, Past Grand High Priest++
RAM member crown,
3x3 w/ mini emblem ,
RAM combo,
RAM evolution++,
Ram tools, Apron w/ mini symbol,
RAM Penny,
Royal & Select
Mini Symbols (1 1/4 - 1 1/2 inches, sizes may vary)
Royal & Select, Super Excellent Master, Past
Thrice Illustrious Master, RSM Grand Council, PGTIM
standard R&SM PHA emblem #3
(on purple or white), R&SM emblem #4, Super Excellent Master,
broken triangle (open), Thrice Illustrious Master,
Deputy Master,
Conductor of Work, Grand R&SM,
Cryptic emblem, Cryptic #2, Cryptic Masons #3
PTIM #1, PTIM #2, PTIM-Cryptic
*^specify by Jurisdiction
R&SM PHA member crown, 3x9 & mini emblem, R&SM
also available with gold emblems
R&SM Ark on Steps*++,
R&SM Archway*++,
R&SM Companion w/ Archway++,
R&SM Evolution++
Knights Templar
Mini Symbols (1 1/4 - 1 1/2 inches, sizes may vary)
Knights Templar (standard
emblem), Knights Templar (crown/cross), KT apron, chapeau (gold or silver trimming),
SK Cross, Past
Eminent Commander Cross, Grand Encampment Officer Cross++,
PMEGC Cross++
Knights Templar standard emblem, crown & cross #2, Order of
Red Cross, Order of Malta, Malta/Red Cross combo, Red Cross of Constantine, Prelate, Captain
General. Grand Encampment Officer Cross,
Templar sword,
Sir Knight (bust) wearing Chapeau, Templar
Knight, Templar Knight #2 with Standard & Beauseant++
(available with crown & cross or PMEGM emblem), 40
Mile Road++,
KT Seal, Beauseant++,
Rosette (specify rank),
KT Evolution++,
white stone*,
* available with additional lettering or emblems at an
additional cost
SK head also available wearing chapeau
Skull & Bones (profile), KT emblem w/ Knights head,
KT apron #1 (plain), KT apron #2 (w/ tassels),
Chapeau*++, KT Combo design++, Past Eminent Commander (also available w/ purple for PMEGC), Commandery Cross #2 (for PEC, also available w/ purple for PMEGC)++,
KT Standard,
Templar helmet, KT ship
*available with gold or silver trimmings. 'available w/ alternate
lettering for Commandery name, etc.
Full Body Knight,
Full Body Knight #2++ (small emblem or Commandery Name on shield),
Walking Knight++, Front facing Knight,
Banner Knight
(also available w/ USA instead of PHA on large emblem)
words w/ swords, Grand KT emblem w/ Knights head++, KT w/ Knight + sword
PMEGC jewel++, PMEGC jewel #2++, Grand KT emblem++
York Rite combo: Cryptic, York Rite combo: PHA+, York Rite combo:
International+, Past York Rite Combo+
+available on royal, white, black, or gold
KYCH: Cryptic+, KYCH: PHA +, Past Prior +
+available on royal, white, black, or gold
Scottish Rite embroidered emblems
Mini Symbols (1 1/4 - 1 1/2 inches, sizes may vary)
14° emblem, 32° Triangle, 32° (wings up or down), Commander-in-Chief (specify wings up or down), 1st Lt. Commander, 2nd Lt. Commander, Past Commander-in-Chief (wings up or down), 33° triangle w/ crown
Small emblems (2 1/2 - 4 inches, sizes may vary, gold
color = small only)
Large emblems (6 - 10 inches, sizes may vary, black
color = large only)
14° emblem, 14° Virtue emblem++, 16° emblem, 18° emblem, Scottish Rite combo (wings up or down), camp
32° Wings Up (multi-colored++ or all gold), 32° Wings Up #2 w/banner
(multi-colored)++, 32° Wings Up #3 (multi-colored or all gold)++,
32° Wings Down #1, 32° Wings Down #3 (multi-colored
or all gold), 32°
Wings Spread (multi-colored or all gold)
Most Wise & Perfect Master jewel (select Wise or Perfect side), Past Most Wise &
Perfect Master jewel++ (select Wise or
Perfect side),
Commander-in-Chief (specify wings up or down),
Past Commander-in-Chief++
(specify wings up or down)
14° ring, 32° cross, 32° triangle emblem, camp w/ flag
SP Evolution++ (available wings UP or DOWN)
33° Triangle w/ crown, 33° Wings Up-PHA (multi-colored++ or
all gold), 33° Wings Up
#2 (multi-colored++ or all gold), 33° Wings Up #3++ (multi-colored or
all gold), 33° wings down
(4-inches) ++, 33° Wings Down (multi-color++ or all gold), 33° Wings
OUT ++ (multi-colored or all gold),
33° Wings OUT #2++ (multi-colored or all gold)
CP Houston, Jr. Class of 2006: Northern Jurisdiction,
Salem Cross (indicate 2 or 3 bars)
Embrossed™ Emblem Designs
Available small or large. Embrossed™ = one color
emblem embroidered on the same color background.
14° emblem, 32° wings UP, 32° wings DOWN, 33° wings UP, 33° wings DOWN
Shrine standard emblem (white: 3", 4"++,
Shrine standard emblem (green: 3", 4"++,
10"), Shrine
emblem #4, Shrine emblem #6++,
#1 (filled),
Camel sitting,
got camel milk?,
Anubis/Osiris/Horus combo++, Shriner Buckle++,
Illustrious Potentate (jewel
design)++, Chief Rabban (jewel design)++, Shrine emblem (outline),
Shrine combo, Pharaoh head
Shriner w/Crossed Scimitars,
Arab Man #2 (with or without emblem)++,
Sphinx, Sphinx Desert,
Out of Africa , Camel Rider Logo
(available w/ Temple Number or mini emblem),
Crossed Scimitars, Shrine Man w/ desert++,
Shrine Eyes
Standard fez w/ emblem, Open Fez
Shriner Evolution++*,
Black stone* ,
Shrine Throne++,
Temple Guardian (also available with skyline++), Egyptian Guardian++,
Egyptian Warrior,
NOM Shrine w/ skyline++,
Imperial Officer (available w/ position or Temple)++
Antique Border Design++
Available as a basic Shriners design (specify affiliation/year) or with
Temple information.
Nobles of the Mystic Shrine
Grotto (Mokanna head) #1, Grotto (Mokanna head) #2, fez with
select red (Prophet), purple (Monarch), or gold (Grand Monarch)
turban and accents.
Outline emblems also available.
Royal Order of Jesters
Mirth , ROJ Circle
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| Caps | BDUs/Jump
Suits | Sweatshirts | Sweaters | Printed
Tees ]
[ Symbols & Patches ]
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[ Jackets:
Blazers |
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Leather |
Satin |
Varsity |
Button/Snap Windbreakers
[ Zippered Windbreakers
[ Jerseys: Baseball | Football | Hockey ]
[ Jewelry: Bracelets | Charms | Rings | Watches]
[ Regalia:
Aprons |
Cases |
Collars | Gloves & Scarves
Formal Wear |
Fraternal Caps
| Jewels |
Lodge/Chapter Accessories |
Swords |
Working Tools & Rod Tops
House Directory: Mason | Prince
Hall Affiliated |
[ Past Master ]
[ Consistory (14-33°)
| Royal Arch | Royal
& Select | Knights
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TheMAAC (TM) is a trade name of University Apparel. TheMAAC.com (TM) is the sole property of University Apparel and neither TheMAAC nor TheMAAC.com may be used without written authorization. For more information about this website, please contact the webmaster.
The items shown on this website are not marketed nor offered for sale as ready-made or in-stock retail items for any specific organization, unless specified as such. Photos are shown as examples of the work that may have been done in the past and/or that can be made for your particular fraternal organization.
© 1998-2021
[The Masonic Apparel & Accessories Connection/University
Apparel]. All rights reserved.
Information in this document is subject to change without notice.
Other products and companies referred to herein are trademarks or
registered trademarks of their respective companies or mark
8120 MALL PARKWAY #425 ~ LITHONIA, GA 30038
We make custom satin jackets, varsity jackets, leather jackets, pullover jackets, windbreakers, baseball jerseys, football jerseys, hockey jerseys, t-shirts, polo shirts, twill shirts, sweatshirts, sweaters, bags, flight suits, and BDUs and provide regalia, aprons, crowns, jewels, collars, books, fezzes, pins, keychains, medallions, jewelry, rings, engraved pens, jewelry boxes, charms, cuff links, tie tacks, afghans, blankets, gifts and novelties, for most Masonic houses, including Blue Lodge Mason, F&AM, Prince Hall F&AM, PHA, AF&AM, Prince Hall Origin, F&AAYM PHO, International Free & Accepted Modern Masons, IF&AMM, IF&AM Masons, 357, 3°, Past Master, Grand Lodge, Order of Pythagorans, Mark Master, 4°, Royal Arch Masons, HRAM PHA, Past High Priest, Grand Chapter, Cryptic Masons, Purple House, Royal & Select Masters, Super Excellent Masters, Past Thrice Illustrious Master, Grand Council, Knights Templar, Sir Knights, Commandery, Grand Commandery, KYCH, Priory, York Rite, 14°, Lodge of Perfection, 16°, Prince of Jerusalem, 18°, Rose Croix, 32°, Consistory, Past Commander-in-Chief, 33°, Grand Inspector General, Commanders of the Rite, AASR, Scottish Rite, Northern Jurisdiction, Southern Jurisdiction, Shriners, Nobles, AAONMS, Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, Grotto, MOVPER, Royal Order of Jesters, Mirth is King, AEAONMS, Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, Past Potentate, OES, Order of the Eastern Star, Past Matron, Past Patron, Queen of the South, Amaranth, HOJ, Heroines of Jericho, Past Most Ancient Matron, LOCOP, Ladies of the Circle of Perfection, Past Royal Perfect Matron, Order of Cyrenes, Cyrene Crusaders, Heroines of the Templar Crusades, Past Royal Commandress, Past Princess Captain, Order of the Golden Circle, Past Loyal Lady Ruler, Daughters of Isis, Past Commandress, Daughters of Sphinx, Rose of the Seven Seals, RSS, Daughters of the Nile, LOS of NA, Ladies Oriental Shrine of North America, Daughters of Mokanna, and White Shrine of Jerusalem, Youth Felicitares. We also provide items for International Association of Turtles, Inc. Are You a Turtle? YBYSAIA.